Amyas Stafford Northcote (W56)

We ask that you please keep Amyas and his family in your prayers at this time. 

Should you wish to share your own memories or leave a message, please complete the form below quoting your name and we will publish your comments.

Rest in eternal peace

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I knew Mr Stafford Northcote for just under 4 years as a pupil at St Bede’s Catholic Preparatory School, Bishton Hall. I will never forget him with his thumb stick (which he walked everywhere with), he looked after the school geese and during Mass he would sit at the back next to the offertory. When I was in the Chapel choir, I can remember him telling the story of the chapel before a carol service. An unconventional history ranging from the stained glass being found having small holes in it... pellet sized holes and the statue of Mary being found in a bush! I will never forget him.
Amyas (or 'Mr Amyas' as we knew him) was in charge of the Sea Scouts when I was there. I can't remember what subject he taught, though I know he later taught French, and he may have done so when I was a pupil. His brother taught us Latin (rather well). Amyas struck as a rather dashing and athletic young man with a sunny disposition. He somehow persuaded us all to construct our own canoe. On its maiden voyage I fell into the canal and had to be fished out. He it was who was in charge of our Summer Camp. We all sang 'The Quartermaster's Stores around the camp-fire, improvising each new verse in turn. No one could find a rhyme for 'Amyas' (probably much to his relief). We were very fond of all three of the Stafford-Northcote children (as they then were). Very sorry to hear of his death. My condolences to the family.

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