25th November, 2017 19:00 - 22:00

Ampleforth Beagles Supper


The Master of the Ampleforth Beagles requests the pleasure of your company at dinner

To be held at the Upper Refectory Ampleforth College On Saturday 25th November 2017 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

Dress: Lounge Suits

Tickets- £35.00/head to include prosecco reception and wine with four course dinner.

RSVP to James Aldous-Ball (C83), Bramblings, Sproxton, York, YO625EF. Tel. 07801 336388 or ampleforthbeagles@btinternet.com

Please include contact details (including email), names of guests, any dietary requirements and a cheque payable to ‘Ampleforth Beagles’.

If you wish to pay by bank transfer please make payments to Ampleforth Beagles, Nat West, Account No. 60871601, Sort Code 60 16 30 and include your name in the Reference and please email back details of address, names of guests and any dietary requirements to the above address.

As this event is being held during term time the number of spaces is limited so please book early.



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