30th November, 2017 19:15 - 22:00

Brompton Oratory Mass & Drinks



We are delighted to invite all Ampleforth Society members to join us for Mass with Fr Edward Corbould OSB at 7:15pm in the Little Oratory, next to the main church at the Brompton Oratory, followed by drinks and pizza in St Wilfrid's Hall at 7:45pm on Thursday 30th November 2017.  This event has become hugely popular over the years and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet up with old friends in a relaxed setting.  

There is no cost for this event and we encourage all members to bring their partners and spouses.  You are more than welcome to join us for refreshments in St Wilfrid's Hall, even if you are unable to attend Mass.

If you have any queries, please contact Philippa Jalland (M13) on Philippa.Jalland@ampleforth.org.uk or 01439 766884.

Confirmed Attendees:

Christopher Randag (A60)

Christopher Lyon (A61)

Peter (B61) & Virginia Constable Maxwell

Nicolas (T64) & Jane Robertson

Peter Rhys Evans (H66)

Nick (T68) & Venetia Wright

Marek Rymaszewski (E69)

Jeremy Deedes (W73)

Robin Faber (C73)

James Chancellor (D79)

Andrew Chancellor (D79)

Patrick (A79) & Beetle Graves

David Cranfield (T80)

Cassian (J80) & Jane Roberts

Justin Kerr-Smiley (W83)

Christian Jaroljmek (B85)

Christopher Mullen (H86)

Johnny Cornwell (H86)

Christopher Mullen (H86)

Ben Hampshire (B87)

Henry Fitzherbert (E90)

Joe Vincent (O91)

Greg Lascelles (A91)

Ben Constable-Maxwell (E94)

James Gibson (T95)

Peter Barrett (T00)

Hicham Felter (A01)

Alice Doyne (M09)

Rodrigo Fenn-Torrente (D10)

Emma Irven (M10)

Harry Kevill (H10)

Max Rusby (H10)

Ellie Kramers (A10)

Digby Walker (T11)

Mary-Clare Ridge (A11)

Philippa Jalland (M13)

Billy Tumur (C13)

Graeme & Cecilia Olley

Paddy Thompson

Helen Cheese-Probert

Paula Mendez

Ellie Wadsworth


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29th September, 2017
Ampleforth Society Weekend 2017
18:00 - 12:00

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