3rd November, 2017 13:00 - 16:00

City Mass & Lunch

City Mass and Lunch

Are you working in the City or would like to work in the City? Join us at the City Mass and Lunch on

Friday 3rd November at St Mary Moorfield’s, 4-5 Eldon Street, London, EC2M 7LS. Mass will begin at

1pm and is followed by drinks, canapés and lunch at 1.30pm. Places are limited so please register early to

avoid disappointment.

Confirmed Attendees:

Philip Conrath (B68)

Bernard Hornung (E75)

Tom Beardmore-Gray (T79)

Sebastian Chambers (E85)

Damien Byrne Hill (T85)

Adrian Gannon (O89)

Nicholas Duffy (O91)

J-P Pitt (T93)

Charles Ellis (E97)

James Entwisle (T00)

Ziad Felter (J00)

Martha Chambers (A10)

Philippa Jalland (M13)

Giorgio Berti (D13)

Isabelle Bourassa (B14)

Fr Hugh

Sue Fisher

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