12th September, 2019 17:30 - 19:30
Royal Overseas League, 6 Park Place, London, SW1A 1LR

Douai Foundation Garden Party


Since the closure of Douai School in 1999, its former pupils have faced the challenge of identifying a suitable lasting legacy for the School, which will preserve its name and values.

The Foundation has been created to promote Benedictine education globally, with special emphasis on those in greatest need. It is hoped that all those who have enjoyed the privileges of a Benedictine education will support this cause, and all Old Boys & Girls of Ampleforth are invited to attend the launch party of the charity on Thursday 12th September at the Royal Overseas League, Park Place, London, starting at 5.30pm. Tickets are £25 per head plus a booking fee and all proceeds will go towards the Foundation. For further information about the Foundation’s beneficiary charities, please contact info@douaifoundation.org.

To book tickets, please click here.


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Ampleforth Society London Pub Night (Mayfair)
19:30 - 21:30
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