23rd September, 2021 18:45 - 19:45

AS Insights: Army

Ampleforth Society

Our next AS Career Insight: Army will be chaired by Philippa Jalland (M13), and will feature guest speakers George de Stacpoole (J02),  Sam O'Gorman (B02) and Bernard Hornung (E75) who we are delighted will be joining us to be discussing all things related to a career in the Army. If you are thinking of joining the military or want to learn more then please tune in to what will no doubt be a lively discussion about this type of career choice. The panelists will discuss all aspects of life before, during, and what to do after the Army. 

Sam O Gorman (B02) read history at Oxford after leaving Ampleforth, then 7 years in the Irish Guards. Having left Sam became a strategy consultant at Bain and is currently working as a Development Director at a property development firm.

Bernard Hornung (E75) was commissioned into The Irish Guards in August 1976, and served for 2 years as a Platoon Commander in the Battalion in Germany and Windsor, and for a further 2 years at The Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion. Uniquely Bernard then held the appointments of Regimental Intelligence Officer and Assistant Adjutant, Regimental Signals Officer, Operations Officer and Adjutant, serving five consecutive Commanding Officers in Battalion Headquarters of a period of 8 years. He was then posted to Gibraltar for just over 2 years returning to the Battalion to command 2 Company in Chelsea and in Berlin, where he witnessed the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany. Bernard has since enjoyed a career in Resort Property development in both Spain and Portugal followed by 10 years in Commercial Property in London. Aged 64 Bernard was offered what he describes as the most interesting appointment in his professional career, and now works with Coltraco Ultrasonics, selling advanced instrumentation worldwide. Bernard is an example of a non-graduate who has approached life’s challenges without a university degree, but with determination. He has no plans to retire.

George de Stacpoole (J02), after graduating from Durham University attended Sandhurst and in July 2008 commissioned into the Irish Guards.  George completed a tour of Afghanistan in 2011 and spent five years in the British Army.  George is now a corporate lawyer based in London.

Philippa Jalland (M13) -  Philippa is chairing our session and is at the start of her Army reserve career starting her Phase 1 training with the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) in October. Her father started his military career in the HAC before joining the Grenadiers. Philippa’s mother was also in the WRAC attached to the Scots Guards, her brother is currently a reservist as well and so it was only a matter of time until she joined too! For Philippa’s full time career, she is working ‘in the city’ running the Salesforce system, a customer relationship management tool, for a foreign exchange company which she started during the first pandemic.


Insights: Army