3rd September, 2021 18:00 - 23:59
Honourable Artillery Company, Finsbury Barracks, City Rd, London EC1Y 2BQ

Old Amplefordian 25-Year Reunion (1995 Leavers)

OA 25-Year Reunion

Please note: this event has been rescheduled from its original date on 4th September 2020 to 3rd September 2021. 

The Ampleforth Society is delighted to invite all Ampleforth College leavers of 1995 to a 25-year reunion at The Honourable Artillery Company in London on Friday, 3rd September 2021. 

The evening is being kindly organised by OA Jerome Newman (C95) and offers a wonderful opportunity for all 1995 leavers to reunite, reconnect and reminisce together for the first time in 25 years. 

Tickets include a free bar for one hour, followed by a three-course meal and half a bottle of wine per person. 

For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact Jerome Newman directly through newmanjnt@aol.com

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