17th March, 2018 13:00 - 11:00
Ampleforth College

Old Amplefordian Sports Weekend


When the orgnisation for the first OA Sports Weekend started to take place I did not think that I would be running around in a skort and a ski jacket in March! Although three days before the weekend we were torn between cancelling the weekend and going ahead despite the dreadful weather forecast. The Beast From the East was to return!

The weekend was to go ahead after coming up with a few different possibilities in case of bad weather. On the Friday night and Saturday morning OAs began to descend on the Valley for a day full of sport. The afternoon kicked of with the OAFC taking on the College team and the OA ladies taking on the College 1st team netballers. With the OARFC following on shortly after with a touch game against the College boys and then a full game against the Barbarians team they had put together.

At 1.45pm the runners lined up on the start line for the cross-country race along the Senior A course. By the end of the route the OAs came out victorious against the School. The afternoon of sport was finished with the girls and boys hockey with both OA teams the winners. Everyone then headed to The Windmill to warm up and to watch the final of the Six Nations.

It was wonderful to see so may OAs back in the valley taking part in sport and spectating. To quote one OA and current parent β€œit really was a wonderful demonstration of the sense of community that the school teaches the kids and that us as OAs feel towards the Valley.”

We now hope that the OA Sports weekend will become a regular occurrence in the Ampleforth Society calendar and hope that more teams are keen to get involved after the success of the first one. Cross fingers for better weather next time!