20th May, 2022 18:15 - 23:59
Cavalry & Guards Club, London

St Thomas' House 75 Year Anniversary Celebration

Ampleforth Society

All tickets MUST be purchased by MAY 6th, please email societymail@ampleforth.org.uk if you are having problems purchasing online.

Join the current Head of Ampleforth College, Robin Dyer, previous Housemasters Jon Mutton, Paul Brennan and members of the monastic community Fr Henry, Fr Richard and Fr Alexander as we celebrate 75 years of the House. 

The black tie event will begin with Mass celebrated at 6:15pm at the Club followed by drinks and 4 course dinner. 

Tickets are available via the booking form below priced £120 and £75 for those aged 25 and under. 

If you have any queries, please contact societymail@ampleforth.org.uk

St Thomas' 75 Year Celebration