30th July, 2020 19:00 - 19:45
Microsoft Teams

Virtual St Laurence Ethics Forum: COVID-19 and Education


The Ampleforth Society is delighted to invite its members to the third Virtual St Laurence Ethics Forum, taking place at 7:00pm (BST) on Thursday, 30th July.  


As part of the Society’s series of ethical fora which examine the global response to COVID-19, our third forum will consider the impact of the pandemic on education, exploring its practical implications on teaching and learning, before discussing how an institution can best provide moral leadership and pastoral support in such unprecedented times.  


We are honoured to welcome to the panel, Robin Dyer, Head of Ampleforth College, and Kieran McLaughlin, Headmaster of Durham School, with Ampleforth Society Trustee, Jeremy Deedes (W73), and
Ampleforth's Development Manager, Emma Craig, acting as Chair and Co-Chair  respectively. 


The session will also conclude with a Q&A, where we invite guests to raise their own questions to the panel via the live chat function.   


Please click here to register for the event; we would be delighted if you could join us.   


To watch the recordings of our two previous Virtual SLEFs, please visit Ampleforth Global. If you have any queries, please contact societymail@ampleforth.org.uk