16th December, 2017 19:00 - 22:00

Yorkshire Branch Christmas Drinks


The Ampleforth Society Yorkshire Branch Christmas Drinks will take place on Saturday 16th December at The Windmill at Ampleforth Abbey & College. 

Drinks will begin at 7pm. If you have any queries, please contact Philippa Jalland (M13) on Philippa.Jalland@ampleforth.org.uk or telephone 01439 766884.

Confirmed Attendees:

Gerald (D64) & Diana Williams  

Michael Coghlan (O66)

Anthony (J71) & Lucy Glaister

Jeremy (W73) & Clang Deedes

Michael Tate (T82)

Greg Sweet (D15)

Ben Sweet (O15)

Alex Deedes (T15)

Mike and Priscilla McAndrew

David & Tessa Moody

Ellie Wadsworth

Andrew Mankowski

Helen O'Kelly

Bridget Nuttgens

Nick Nuttgens

Jamie Gough