5th December, 2019

2019 Ampleforth Society Northern Counties Dinner


On Wednesday, 6 November, we were delighted to join OAs and members of the wider Ampleforth Society for a fantastic evening of conversation and supper at the Northern Counties Dinner in Newcastle.

The event was organised by OAs Ben Gibson (C86) and Jonathan Brown (J80), with a wine tasting by Bon Coeur Fine Wines, courtesy of OAs Jamie Goodhart (E88) and Charlie Murphy (E02).

A packed room of 70+ attended Mass led by Fr Hugh Lewis-Vivas, followed by a welcome from Ben Gibson and Ampeforth College Head, Robin Dyer, and then much enjoyment as we all enjoyed a delicious hot buffet, fantastic cheeseboard and tasty desserts. What was very thrilling was to see so many recent leavers in attendance and it was superb to catch-up with them all before they hit the ‘toon’! Hope to see you all again very soon.

Don't forget to sign-up to Ampleforth Global to view all photos from the evening!