15th May, 2019

2019 Old Amplefordian Careers Event

OA Careers Event

Last Friday witnessed several Old Amplefordians return to the Valley to offer current pupils of Ampleforth an insight into their fascinating career trajectories. 

The whole of Year 12 attended a series of talks given by five OAs which explored their current careers and the pathways that led to them. This featured an array of fantastic presentations from OAs working in industries such as investment banking, civil engineering, and property.

The Old Amplefordians in attendance at this year's event included:

Joanna Coghlan (M06)

Jaspar Arena de la Mora (W03)

Rupert Collier (J93)

Paul Dobson (CO1)

Billy Tumur (C13)

The presentations were followed by a networking activity in Main Hall which offered students the opportunity to hone their communication skills, as well as the chance to find out more about the job sectors represented and the potential work experience opportunities available.

A huge thank you to our guest speakers for taking the time speak to pupils of Year 12 on their life after Ampleforth.

Interested in offering to mentor other Old Amplefordians? Happy to answer questions related to your own career and job sector? Eager to utilise the wealth of skills and expertise of other Ampleforth Society members? 

If so, click here to sign up to Ampleforth Global and start exploring the wonderful opportunities available through this new platform!