13th August, 2021

Ampleforth Society Pilgrimage Update

Ampleforth Society

Ampleforth Society Pilgrimage Programme Update

Although still at the mercy of government regulations, we look to run Holy Land pilgrimages in October 21 and April 22, with much more to come as restrictions are relaxed.

It’s taking a long, long time to get this going!

I broached the idea with Cassian (J80) and Jane Roberts in early 2019, and our first Holy Land pilgrimage should have taken place in March 2020. Here we are, 18 months later and we still haven’t walked into Jerusalem.

However, we will!

After the postponements of last year, we rescheduled pilgrimages for August and October of this year, and a third for April 2022, with the intention of clearing the backlog of very keen pilgrims who are all so determined to visit the Holy Land with Fr Henry.

Still changing

Unfortunately we have now had to postpone August. Within the last week the UK has been moved to Israel’s Red List and as yet we are unsure when their next review will happen. However, it is a testament to the determination of our pilgrims that they have all accepted this decision with grace and opted to switch into the October and April pilgrimages.

We really hope that our first pilgrimage will now take place from 22-29 October this year. However, we recognise we are in the hands of the UK and Israel governments. At the moment, however, October is on, as is April 6-13, 2022, which will run back to back with the Middle Sixth pilgrimage.

In this fluid situation places come up from time to time and if you would like to join either the October 21 or April 22 Holy Land pilgrimage and have not already done so, you should get in touch with Jane Roberts (jane.roberts@jcjourneys.com) to discuss availability.

Looking further ahead

There is still a huge amount of enthusiasm amongst Society members for our pilgrimage programme and other cultural/historical trips, and thank you for staying with us. Once normality returns we plan on running the Holy Land pilgrimage every March/April. We will organise a cultural trip each autumn and a tour of Monte Cassino and Subiaco, led by Major General Sir Sebastian Roberts (J72), will be the first of these in 2022.

We are also looking at other ideas including an Ampleforth Society ski-ing trip and walking tours. Again, please get in touch with Jane to let her know of your interest and to be added to the waiting list.

I will be joining both the October 21 and April 22 Holy Land pilgrimages, and look forward to meeting my fellow pilgrims and discovering the Holy Land with you.

Jeremy Deedes
Managing Trustee
The Ampleforth Society