11th November, 2019

Fireworks for Newman and Swifts for Peace: 2019 Ampleforth Society Weekend

ASW Collage

Between the 11th and 13th of October, we were thrilled to welcome over 120 Society members back to the Valley to enjoy an array of activities at our annual flagship event: the Ampleforth Society Weekend. 

Beyond witnessing our attendance double from the previous year, our 2019 event joined in the wider celebrations of John Henry Newman’s canonisation, with a talk on the life and legacy of Newman, led by Fr Wulstan Peterburs OSB, and a firework display on the Saturday evening to commemorate this great occasion.


Similarly, this year’s Society Weekend was made evermore memorable due to the unveiling of a new sculpture by OA Mark Coreth (O77).  Mark's sculpture, Flight of Swifts from the Tree of Hope in Jerusalem, uses the same swifts found on his 2016 Tree of Hope sculpture, found at the epicentre of the Abrahamic Faiths in Jerusalem in the garden of the Eye Hospital. The Flight of Swifts, found in the garden outside of the Abbey Tea Room, is described as prayer flag that one day that each of the Abrahamic faiths might fly together in peace. Make sure to visit Ampleforth to view the sculpture yourself and learn more about Mark’s powerful and moving work!

Retreat Hour

Across the Society Weekend, a number of our regular activities, including our Friday evening Fish Pie Supper and Quiz, kindly hosted by OA Richard Tams (J86), featured alongside new initiatives, such as our Enterprise Networking morning with the entire Middle Sixth. Building on our fantastic Y12 OA Careers Programme, this inaugural Networking morning saw over 20 Society members share their industry expertise and career advise in an informal, relaxed setting. The array of job sectors and industries represented ranged from photography and entrepreneurship, to Marketing and Law.


Elsewhere, we were overjoyed to see members of our 1969 OA Rifle Club reunite for a 50th anniversary shooting competition against the College’s current 1st VIII, whilst the avid rugby fans gathered with Will James, Assistant Director of Sport and Head of Rugby, to relive England’s famous 2003 Rugby World Cup Final victory over Australia. Whilst their original plans were for our guests to observe the England vs. France fixture at this year’s Rugby World Cup in Japan, our guests enjoyed a brilliant morning with Will, hearing about his own experiences with Wales and Gloucester, as well as an update on the College’s current rugby teams.

OA Rifle Club

Following the Society’s AGM in the College Library and a drinks reception in Main Hall, featuring a speech from the Head, Robin Dyer, the weekend culminated with a tremendous firework display for Cardinal Newman and our Society Dinner in the Performing Arts Centre (the old College Gym).  


As always, the Monastic Community and the College were thrilled to reunite and reconnect with our wider Ampleforth family; from recent leavers and their parents, to OAs who left SHAC as early as 1945. Whilst preparations are already underway for next year’s event, taking place between the 16th and 18th of October 2020, we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events, such as the Brompton Oratory Mass and Drinks and the FOALS Carol Service.  

In the meantime, why not sign-up to Ampleforth Global to view more photos from the event and stay connected with those you met across the weekend!