19th February, 2019

Fr Antony Hain OSB RIP

Fr Antony Hain

Please pray for the eternal happiness of The Reverend Dom Antony Hain (Monk of Ampleforth Abbey) who died on 12th February 2019 in the 67th year of his age, the 43rd of his monastic life, and the 36th of priesthood.

May he rest in peace


Funeral Arrangements 

Wednesday 27 February

18:00 - Reception of Fr Antony's body into the Abbey Church followed by Vespers for the Dead 

20:15 - The Dirge (Vigil for the Dead) in the Abbey Church 


Thursday 28 February 

7:30 - Lauds for the Dead in St Laurence's Chapel at Bolton House 

8:45 - Little Hour in St Laurence's Chapel at Bolton House 

11:30 - Solemn Sung Funeral Mass in the Abbey Church followed by burial in Monks' Wood 


Suscipe me Domine, secundum eloquium tuum et vivam, 
Et non confundas me ab expectatione mea 

Uphold me, Lord, according to your promise and I shall live, 
and let my hopes not be in vain

(The Suscipe is sung when a monk makes his Solemn Profession and at his funeral)