5th June, 2020

Holy Land Pilgrimages and Cultural Tours Update


We were very disappointed that we were forced to cancel the inaugural Holy Land pilgrimage in April. However, we are rescheduling the pilgrimage, giving first priority to Society members who have already booked.


We have withdrawn our provisional plans for possible pilgrimages in July and August. It is too early, as well as too hot.  Mindful of the prevalent uncertainty and worry over the virus and its impact on travel, we now intend to run two Holy Land pilgrimages, the first between 27 October and 3 November this year and the second from 9 - 16 April 2021. Fr Henry has agreed, with the kind consent of Fr Gabriel, to lead both pilgrimages. Flights and accommodation have been booked.


Israel imposed its lockdown a few weeks earlier than the UK and so has managed the outbreak very well, keeping cases low relative to its population. However, the arrangements, of course, remain subject to any general travel restrictions as well as confirmation that UK citizens can travel to Israel and return to the UK without the 14 day quarantine restrictions.  


We have decided to postpone the September 2020 tour of Monte Cassino. This will now take place in 2021, from 17-24 September. In like vain, our proposed trip to Corinth and the Peloponnese is postponed to a provisional date of 9-16 September 2022.


We have been in touch with Society members who have already booked. There are two places left on the October 20 Holy Land pilgrimage, and a few more on the April 21 pilgrimage. Monte Cassino 2021 and Corinth 22 remain fully open for booking. If you would like to join us on any of these please get in touch with Jane Roberts (Jane.Roberts@JCJourneys.com).