19th October, 2019

OA 10 and 20-Year Reunions

OA Reunions

In recent weeks, we have had the great pleasure of celebrating not one, but two Old Amplefordian reunions! 

Beginning on Friday, 4th October, our 1999 leavers came together at the Groucho Club in London, reuniting after two decades beyond the Valley.

Over 40 OAs travelled from across the country, and even from the United States, Africa and Europe for this gathering at the Groucho. This fantastic evening would also not have been possible without the collective efforts of OAs Oliver Roskill (H99), Patrick Tolhurst (C99), Rob Hollas (T99) and Edward Brennan (E99), who we thank for orchestrating the event!

Our reunion for all 2009 leavers of SHAC also proved to be an equally successful and enjoyable evening. At this 10-Year Reunion on Thursday, 10th October, we were overjoyed to witness 45 OAs reuniting and reminiscing with one another in the superb surroundings of Shoreditch House. In this instance, we would like to thank OA Rory Smith (H09) and the House representatives who helped spread the word and organise such a wonderful evening. 

Did you know that this year we have also celebrate two other OA reunions for our 1989 leavers, as well as our 2014 leavers?

Interested in organising your own OA reunion? Get in touch!