6th May, 2020

OA Alexander Jalland Leads GAiN UK 48hr Charity Run

Alexander Jalland

We are thrilled to share that between the 2nd and 3rd of May, OA Alexander Jalland (EW14) and 23 other runners around the world ran consecutively for 48 hours to spread awareness of the struggles faced by the refugees of Camp Moria in Lesbos.

The camp, already overcapacity by 17,000 people, has been hit extremely hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with living conditions becoming increasingly desperate due to the Coronavirus. As part of the wider work of the Global Aid Network UK (GAiN UK), Alexander’s efforts sought to raise funds for essential supplies and support staff to aid those living in Camp Moria. 

To abide by government guidelines, each person ran one hour, with Alexander completing the early-morning leg from 2:00am to 3:00am. Alexander says: “We aimed for 500km and finished with a total of 545.8km. This beats the 48hr running world record, although that record was complete by one person! Our modest goal of £2000 is now over £2780 and it would be amazing to push this higher.’

To find out more about this fantastic initiative and to support Alexander’s efforts, please click here.