23rd August, 2019

OA Ben Ogden to Undertake Tough Local Cycle Challenge

The Roecliffe Cycle Festival Bike Ride

We wish OA Ben Ogden (T92) best of luck on his upcoming cycle challenge on the 15th of September!

Ben will be cycling as part of The Otjikondo Cycle Festival bike ride, an occasion which offers riders the chance to undertake one of three tough routes: a 45 mile 'Out of Africa Ride,' a 65 mile 'Desert Dash' route and 'The Camel's Humps' which totals 100 miles in length.

Fancy joining Ben on this gruelling challenge? Contact Sarah Cooper via sarah@rsf.co.uk or 07770 960550 to book your place. Tickets are priced at £45, with all proceeds going to the Otjikondo School in Namibia.

For further information on the route, please contact Ben via benjaminogden@yahoo.co.uk.