4th March, 2019

Old Amplefordian Book - 'Retire Inspire'

Retire Inspire

Greetings Ampleforth Society members!

I am very pleased to announce some exciting news from Jeremy Deedes (W73).

"I have co-authored a new book on retirement and it is published today. 

Retire Inspire is now live.

The Baby Boomer generation is between 55 and 75 years old and beginning to retire. This movement is the most significant global lifestyle shift on the planet. It started in earnest in around 2015 and is expected to last another 15 to 20 years. People only begin to consider retirement some five to seven years before they retire. If this is you, are you been dreaming about it, worrying about it, planning to retire or just ignoring it?  Retire Inspire is a collection of 25 inspirational and informative articles by professionals (including me) from around the world with experience in the retirement arena. If retirement is on your agenda, then this is for you and is available on Amazon in the UK at


in Australia at


and in the USA at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P5874Y7"


Congratulations Jeremy! Please do get in touch if you have any great news to share with the wider Ampleforth family via societymail@ampleforth.org.uk