15th December, 2023

St Cuthbert's Reunion Lunch

Cuthbert's & Fergus Madden

St Cuthbert's Reunion Lunch

Leavers 1956-1962

Fergus Madden (C59) writes -

We met for lunch in the Reynolds’ beautiful house in Barnes, and Simon’s wife Beata kindly produced a delicious meal for us all. A surprising number of those present had made their way down from the North of England and the Borders; some of us had been in close contact with each other already - others had not met since school days. Since leaving SHAC we had been in the arts, theatre, agriculture, shipping, medicine and the city.

Meeting in our eighties created a particular poignancy about this occasion: although most of us probably looked our age we seemed fit, and I think we felt that life probably offered us a bit more scope!

Conversation was broad and included those early days together; Catholicism, living in a monastic school and our contact with the monks had for most of us been important experiences.

There was a lot of good cheer over the lunch table, and as one of us observed, although we had not seen each other for ages it is as if we had so much in common, that old conversations, long forgot, flowed again.


L-R - Amyas Martelli (C59), Andrew Festing (C59), Henry Scrope (C60), Archie Stirling (C59), Simon Reynolds (C56), Charlie Fitzherbert (C62), Anthony Cooke (C59), Anthony Fitzherbert (C56) and Fergus Madden (C59)