15th December, 2017

Update from Ampleforth Abbey

Ampleforth Abbey

The IICSA public hearing into allegations of child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church concludes today, 15 December.

We wish to repeat our sincere and heartfelt apologies to anyone who suffered abuse in our schools, parishes or through any of our various ministries. Victims and survivors who wish to talk to us are welcome to do so and are encouraged to contact Mick Walker, Safeguarding Coordinator on 01439 766013 or Mick.Walker@ampleforth.org.uk. We also have a confidential helpline run by Survive York for anyone seeking help who does not want to speak to us; please contact 0808 145 1890 or 01904 803927.

Survivors and victims showed great courage in giving their evidence to the Inquiry and whilst it was distressing to hear, it was crucial in helping our understanding of the crimes which were committed and the real purpose of IICSA.

Ampleforth Abbey and College gave several written statements and were represented in person by Abbot Cuthbert, Fr Leo and Fr George. The Inquiry also heard from various safeguarding bodies including North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire County Council, the Independent Schools Inspectorate and the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service. Transcripts covering each day of the hearing can be found on the IICSA website.

Matthias Kelly QC, representing Ampleforth stated in his closing statement to the Inquiry that:

“Ampleforth recognise that they have to be judged objectively and by external bodies, that a culture of safeguarding has to be not only in place but operated on the ground.  Ampleforth has made significant strides in improving its approach and is determined to continue to do so.  Evidence of that can be seen in the fact that last year it commissioned its own independent external review conducted by Professor Sue Proctor who, having examined Ampleforth’s safeguarding practices and procedures, found them to meet current standards and made some additional suggestions, all of which Ampleforth intend to implement, including appointing a Director of Governance and Safeguarding.  The school is now operated entirely separately from the Abbey Trust and that position is irreversible”. 

A full transcript of his statement can be found here.

All of our safeguarding policies and links to inspection reports can be found here. We will continuously review and update our safeguarding and invite external bodies to advise and scrutinise us.



To contact Ampleforth’s Safeguarding Coordinator, Mick Walker, please telephone 01439 766013 or email Mick.Walker@ampleforth.org.uk.

To contact a dedicated, confidential helpline run by Survive, please call 0808 145 1890 or 01904 803927.

To see our College safeguarding policies and inspection reports, please visit our Safeguarding Page

To read our opening statement to the Inquiry [click here]

To read our closing statement to the Inquiry [click here]

To learn more about the Inquiry, please visit the IICSA website: www.iicsa.org.uk

For all press enquiries, please contact Sarah Opie, Director of Marketing & Communications, on 01439 741103 or Sarah.Opie@ampleforth.org.uk, or Launch PR, on 0207 758 3900 or Ampleforth@hellolaunch.co.uk