26th April, 2018 18:45 - 21:00

Ampleforth Society St Laurence Forum


Members of the Ampleforth Society and their guests are invited to an evening of discussion in the theme of “Ethics in Leadership”. A distinguished panels of speakers will consider the importance of ethics to leadership and business. The colloquium will be followed by drinks and canapés.


Major-General Sir Sebastian Roberts K.C.V.O. O.B.E. (J72)

James Gosling O.B.E. (C73)

John Micklethwait C.B.E. (O80)

Sir Sebastian Roberts was formerly the Colonel of the Irish Guards. In 2011 he was responsible for a review of officer training which resulted in a renewed focus upon the teaching of ethics to recruits. From 1997 to 2000 he was responsible for Army doctrine, during which he wrote the moral doctrine of the British Army: “Soldiering: the Military Covenant”, which formed the basis of the teaching of ethics in all three services.”

James Gosling is a former partner of City law firm HFW. He spearheaded the response of the global shipping industry to maritime piracy in Somalia and, in collaboration with other interested parties across the City, achieved the release of more than 1,750 seafarer hostages.

John Micklethwait is the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, having previously acted as editor-in-chief of The Economist. His publications include “The Company – A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea” and “God is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith is Changing the World”.

Tickets are limited for this event to 80 seated (£35) and 20 standing (£15 for under 30s). This event is now sadly fully booked.