17th April, 2018

Norman Tanner (H61)

Norman Tanner

Norman Tanner (H61), New Short History of the Catholic Church (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2011 and pbk 2014), is now in seven languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian, Polish, Japanese and, most recently, Urdu. The work, he says, is greatly indebted to the inspired teaching of Hugh Aveling OSB, Mr Thomas Charles-Edwards, Basil Hume OSB, William Price OSB and Mr W Davidson.

The Urdu translation was "launched" in February in Karachi, Pakistan, and in Rome in March.  The picture shows the launch in Karachi with Rev Gulshan Barkat OMI, principal translator, in the middle holding the book, and the bishop of Multan on the right. 



For how to buy the various translations, please email tanner@unigre.it or get them direct as follows: Italian (Brescia Editrice Queriniana); Spanish (Loyola, Sal Terrae); Slovenian (Druzina); Polish (Cracow, Wydawnictwo WAM); Japanese (Tokyo, Kyo Bun Kwan) and Urdu (Karachi, CatholicBooks).