2nd July, 2018

Old Amplefordian L.B.W charity cycle ride/cricket extravaganza


Between the 5th and 8th of July 7 OAs (ranging from 1975 leavers to 2012 leavers) and 15 or so others (The Lycra Before Wicket Team) are about to embark on a mad 450km cycle ride with four T20 cricket matches in just four days. They will be raising money for three fantastic cricket charities (Cricket Builds Hope, Chance to Shine and The Arundel Cricket Foundation), who are all using cricket, the game loved by all, to help people around the country and in Rwanda.

The gruelling itinerary is as follows:

July 5th: Belvoir Castle – playing against Belvoir Castle CC. Game starts at 10am followed by the longest ride of the trip to North Aston (150km).

July 6th: Radley College – quick cycle from North Aston to Radley (40km) followed by match against the Chance to Shine XI and then a short 50km to Newbury.

July 7th: Windsor Castle – cycle to Windsor (70km) play against the Cricket Builds Hope XI and then cycle a further 50km into London.

July 8th: Arundel Castle – on the final day we start with an easy 90km down to the south coast and play against the Norfolk Estate Grasshoppers.

More details about the three charities are as follows:

Cricket Builds Hope are using cricket to help with the healing process in Rwanda. They have already built an international standard pitch and are now creating a hub for the local community where they will be able to receive things like free HIV testing. More info can be found here - www.rcsf.org.uk

Chance to Shine want to spread the power of cricket throughout schools and communities. Bringing cricket to thousands more young people in inner-city areas. It uses the game to increase aspiration, promote social cohesion and create opportunities in diverse communities affected by youth crime and anti-social behavior. More info can be found here - www.chancetoshine.or

The Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation aim to enhance the development and education of young people (mainly aged between 7-19 years) with a special emphasis upon the disadvantaged and those deprived of opportunity. More info can be found here - http://www.arundelcastlecricketfoundation.co.uk/

The OAs taking part include Freddie Woodhead (O05), Bertie Woodhead (O07), Archie Woodhead (O03), Christopher Woodhead (T75), Henry David (H08), Digby Walker (T12), Ewen Moore (T02) and Nicolas Woodhead (T74) who is driving the support vehicle. If you would like to find out more about the Old Amplefordian L.B.W charity cycle ride/cricket extravaganza or if you would like to sponsor these OAs please click the link: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/LBW.