16th August, 2018

A Level Success for Ampleforth Students

A levels

Congratulations go to all our students who are today receiving their A level results. 

It has been another successful year for Ampleforth with almost three quarters of our students achieving A*-B grades across the board. 

Alice Shen (A) was amongst one of our highest achieving students with three A*s, one A and a B in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Chinese and Physics, and will be studying Mathematics at University.  Joshua Dutin (T), who will be heading to University College, Oxford to study History and Politics, and Gabriela Grobelny (B), who will be studying Economics and Management Science at Edinburgh University, also excelled with three A*s and an A each and Serene Yik (B) was awarded four straight As. 

Joshua says: “I am planning on becoming a lawyer, and it is very hard to describe the feeling I had when I got the offer, but the least I can say is that I was delighted.  All my teachers dedicated much of their time to ensure that we all had the best preparation and chances to get an offer. I would have not made it without their precious help.”

Other Oxbridge successes include Bridget Stuart (B), who achieved three A*s plus an A and a B and who has secured a place at St John’s College, Oxford, for Experimental Psychology and Chiara Wittmann who has secured her place to read to read Theology at Magdalene College, Cambridge.  Julian Boecker (H), who was awarded two A*s and two As, will be heading to Imperial College to study Medicine.

Julian says: “Ampleforth has been a very valuable experience that I will always look back on with joy. I was immediately welcomed when I joined in Year 10, in spite of struggling to speak a sentence of English. It taught me values that I adopted in my daily life and especially a great sense of integrity. I think that it also broadened my horizons, encouraging me to try out new things such as rugby or debating and sparked in me an interested in politics and philosophy through various societies.”

Our Organ Scholars, Christopher Too (J) and Benedict Turner-Berry (H), have also done tremendously well – Christopher received straight As across the board and Benedict received two A*s, an A and a B.  Both will head on to study Music at University.

Twins Charlotte (M) and Patrick Morrison (C) were awarded identical grades with both achieving two A*s and an A. 

Charlotte says: “My time at Ampleforth has definitely been the happiest five years of my life. Coming from a state school in the middle of York, it was a massive change for me, but I’ve enjoyed the opportunities that Ampleforth has offered. The school has also helped me to excel academically, and as I was awarded an academic scholarship, I have always been pushed to my full potential. The academic staff are always happy to offer support whether I am struggling or want a challenge.”

Charlotte’s twin brother, Patrick, who will be studying Mathematics at St Andrews University, says: “My time at Ampleforth has been immensely valuable to me because the environment of the school has allowed me to develop in more than just my academics. I think that the kind of situations I have found myself in, have given me the capabilities to know how to behave and act in a variety of circumstances.”

It was another successful year for our History, English and Christian Theology departments with more than 80% of each class achieving A*-B grades.  Our Modern Languages students saw great success with all students studying Polish and Russian achieving A*-A grades.  We were also delighted with the success of our budding Chemists who all achieved A*-B grades and our strong tradition of Classics excelled yet again with all students being awarded A*-B in Greek.

Hannah Pomroy, Director of Studies here at Ampleforth College said: “We are so proud of all our students and the results today are testament to their hard work and that of their teachers and tutors.  We encourage all our students to develop a life-long love of learning and we wish them all every success as they embark on the next chapter of their academic lives.”