Father Dominic Milroy OSB (Monk)

Fr Dominic served the Community and College as a teacher and Housemaster from 1957-1974 and as the Headmaster from 1980-1992, and more recently in 2008-2012 as Chaplain to St Aidan’s House.

We will shortly be in touch with Fr Dominic's family to request an obituary to be shared with the Ampleforth Society.  

In the meantime, should you wish to share your own memories or leave a message, please complete the form below quoting your name and we will publish your comments.

His funeral details are as follows, 

Thursday 10 January 2019

18.00              Reception of Fr Dominc’s body into the Abbey Church followed by Vespers for the Dead

20.15              The Dirge (Vigil for the Dead) in the Abbey Church

Friday 11 January  2019

07.30               Lauds for the Dead in St Laurence’s Chapel at Bolton House

08.45               Little Hour in St Laurence’s Chapel at Bolton House

11.30               Solemn Sung Funeral Mass in the Abbey Church followed by burial in Monks’ Wood

Rest in eternal peace
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My spiritual advisor, Father Dominic I will miss you so much from the deep of my heart!!!
Cuánto le debo mi querido Padre!!! No llevar hoy un marca pasos, salir de dos terribles internaciones hace 5 meses, cuánto ha rezado por mi, por amigos, seres queridos, conocidos, cuántos llamados suyos y mios, cuántas hermosas charlas, cuánta comprensión y sabiduría, cuánto dolor querido Padre de mi corazón, que terrible pérdida para mi, un Ser tan elevado espiritualmente cómo nunca vi en mi vida!!! lo extrañaré muchísimo donde quiera que esté y se que continuaremos nuestras hermosas charlas, cómo lo solíamos hacer muchas veces, Adiós..... simplemente adiós, se que está en el Reino de los Ángeles, Usted era uno en esta tierra, nos volveremos a encontrar, cómo ya lo hemos hecho en esta vida, adiós por siempre mi Padre del Alma!!!

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