3rd January, 2019

New Ampleforth Society Coordinator

Bron Bury

Greetings members of the Ampleforth Society!

My name is Bron Bury and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Ampleforth Society Coordinator.

Since assuming my position at the end of November, I have been working closely with the Development Department to begin crafting a most exciting array of Ampleforth Society events for 2019, as well as helping to prepare Ampleforth Global ahead of its launch later this year. During this period, I have also devoted a significant amount of time and energy to immersing myself in the day to day life of the College. Not only has this enabled me to introduce myself to both staff and students, but also to widen their general awareness and understanding of the Ampleforth Society. Whilst this did lead to being invited to numerous Christmas dinners, mirroring the challenges faced by Geraldine Granger in an infamous episode of the BBC’s Vicar of Dibley, my attendance of such formal Christmas events with the Houses has been truly inspiring. Indeed, at the centre of each of these events was the spirit of kindness and generosity which is instilled in pupils during their time at Ampleforth Abbey and College.

At this point I feel it is crucial to stress my immense respect for the comradery between current and former pupils, as well as their families who are deeply invested in the continued success of Ampleforth Abbey and College. Despite not being an Old Amplefordian myself, such admiration for the pride amongst Ampleforth Society members will ensure that my fresh outlook remains strictly in-keeping with the Catholic values which continue to underpin the Society.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short introduction. If you have any questions regarding the Ampleforth Society and its events being planned for 2019, or if you wish to discuss my thoughts on whether it was St Thomas’ or St John’s who sung the most exhilarating Christmas Carols this year, please do not hesitate to get in touch through societymail@ampleforth.org.uk or on 01439 766884.