Funeral arrangements for Fr Dominic

Very Rev Dominic Milroy, OSB
Funeral arrangements
Thursday 10 January
18.00 Reception of Fr Dominc’s body into the Abbey Church followed by Vespers for the Dead
20.15 The Dirge (Vigil for the Dead) in the Abbey Church
Friday 11 January
07.30 Lauds for the Dead in St Laurence’s Chapel at Bolton House
08.45 Little Hour in St Laurence’s Chapel at Bolton House
11.30 Solemn Sung Funeral Mass in the Abbey Church followed by burial in Monks’ Wood
Suscipe me Domine, secundum eloquium tuum et vivam,
Et non confundas me ab expectatione mea
Uphold me, Lord, according to your promise and I shall live, and let my hopes not be in vain
(The Suscipe is sung when a monk makes his Solemn Profession and at his funeral)
If you wish to attend Fr Dominic's funeral we ask you to please contact Julia Brooke as soon as possible through or through 01439 766700. At a future date, a memorial Mass will be celebrated in London to provide the opportunity for those unable to get to Ampleforth to gather in remembrance of Fr Dominic.