2nd May, 2019 18:45 - 21:45
Pall Mall, London

2019 Ampleforth Society St Laurence Ethics Forum


Following the enthusiastic feedback from our event in 2018, we are thrilled to announce the date of this year's St Laurence Ethics Forum. We are looking to build on the discussions led by last year's panel of distinguished guest speakers on the theme of "Ethics in Leadership."

Please note that the event will take place on the 2nd of May in Pall Mall, London. The colloquium will begin at 6:45pm and will be followed by drinks and canapés.

The 2019 St Laurence Ethics Forum will explore "the Ethics of Decision Making" and will be led by a panel of highly esteemed guest speakers.

Dr Brian Klug - Dr Klug is a senior research fellow and tutor in philosophy at St Benet's Hall, Oxford. He is Associate Editor of Patterns of Prejudice, and a founding member of the Jewish Forum for Justice and Human Rights. He will discuss some of the philosophical issues around making ethical decisions.

David O’Mahony - David O’Mahony is a private barrister specialising in international disputes, specifically offshore sanctions. He is a former representative of the UK government in the European Court of Human Rights. He is also the Chairman of the Catholic Union and will use his experience to discuss the legal and humanitarian issues around making ethical decisions.
Brigadier Nicholas C. Perry DSO MBE - Brigadier Perry is an Old Amplefordian (E91) and now serves as Commander of the 16 Air Assault Brigade. He is a former military advisor to David Cameron. Awarded an MBE in Operational Honours in September 2011, he will use his military experience to highlight the difficulties of making pressurized ethical decisions in conflict situations.
“The inaugural St Laurence Forum evening was a fascinating exploration of the ethical considerations that need to be given for those in leadership roles. The speakers were all engaging and open – and the discussion after the speeches was both insightful and challenging." Patrick Tolhurst (C99).

Tickets are £30 (£15 to those under 30) to include light refreshments before the meeting and drinks and canapes after the meeting.

The meeting is open to all members of the Ampleforth Society and the Catholic Union of Great Britain. However, the venue is limited to 80 people, so tickets will be issued on a strictly first come, first serve basis.

Please book online here.

Alternatively, send your details and cheque made payable to Ampleforth Abbey Trust to Bron Bury, Ampleforth Society Coordinator, The Development Office, Ampleforth Abbey & College, York YO62 4EY.

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