17th March, 2020

Supporting Angus' Giant Pledge


Old Amplefordian Max Titchmarsh (D93) appeals to all members of the wider Ampleforth family to support Angus' Giant Pledge: a campaign aiming to raise £100,000 to support research at The Royal Marsden Hospital, following the Leukaemia diagnosis of his son, Angus.

On 24th September 2019, Angus was diagnosed with an aggressive blood cancer, T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-ALL). He is one of under 100 children in the UK who receive this devastating diagnosis each year.

The Titchmarsh family is seeking to raise £100,000 by the time Angus' current treatment is finished in 2023.

Every penny raised goes to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity: the UK's largest drug development centre for children and young people with cancer, helping children both nationally and internationally.

The Titchmarsh family have had close ties with Ampleforth for over 40 years. Max attended Gilling Castle (St Martins) and the Senior School between 1984 and 1993, as did his brothers Guy and Rupert before him. Angus’ grandfather, Dr Mike Titchmarsh, was a GP in Helmsley for a generation and administered to many of Ampleforth's Monastic Community over that time. Angus' grandmother, Jan, spent 15 years as an Independent Listener at the College, having previously taught at St Martin's Preparatory School.

Max and Helen memorably celebrated their wedding at Gilling Castle.

Max says, "the valley was and still is an important and special place in the lives of the family. We are reaching out to the Ampleforth Society on behalf of this incredible cause, in the knowledge that this wider community is a family bound by compassion."

For further information and to support Angus' Giant Pledge, please click here.