24th April, 2020

Home Prayers: Reflections from Fr Chad Boulton OSB


'When self-isolating back in March after a meeting in Rome, I listened from my monastery room to the livestreaming of our Abbey prayer and found myself surprisingly moved by this experience. It struck me that those similarly confined, in their homes, might benefit not just from the formal prayer but also from extended use of the livestreaming. Fr Ambrose mentioned the idea of a form of house prayers to provide some structure, support and guidance in the mornings for families now isolated at home, unable to get to church, and stuck with each other!

College students are used to the house prayers format, and the brief reflection ensures some varied and relevant input each day, as well as a live connection to the monastery. Monks have tried to present their experience of enclosure and stability, of community life, of solitude and silence. The relative brevity and the mid-morning timing of home prayers make it possible for all the family to join in. But we called it ‘home prayers’ because we are aware that this is not just for families but also for all those isolated at home.

The responses that we have received suggest that our hopes are being realized and under the grace of God, this seems to be hitting the spot!'

To find out more about 'Home Prayers', as well as our other spiritual resources, please click here