8th October, 2020 19:00 - 20:00

Why Board?

Why Board?

We understand that some families might be a little unsure about boarding, especially if quite far from home. Join us to learn more about boarding at Ampleforth College.

As a full boarding school, we believe full boarding allows students the time to immerse themselves in everything on offer and enjoy a much richer experience. This is especially true at Ampleforth with its beautiful location and huge range of opportunities; there can be few better places for young people to grow up.

To try and answer any questions you may have about boarding life, such as the benefits, and how parents can remain involved from a distance, we are holding an online, open discussion with some of our students and staff on Thursday 8 October at 7-8pm. Robin Dyer, Head of Ampleforth College will speak for a short time and introduce the students and staff before opening the floor.

This event has a limited number of places to allow for an open discussion where guests can ask as many questions as they like. Please click Why Board? to register. If you have any queries, please contact Jayne.Potter@ampeforth.org.uk.