19th October, 2021 18:45 - 19:45

AS Insights: Personal Wealth

Ampleforth Society

October's AS Insights will focus on personal and philanthropic wealth careers.  Chair, Dr David Moses, Head of Careers at Ampleforth College, will be joined by Nick Duffy (O91), Tom Scarborough (H87) and Constantin Dwernicki (C12) to talk about all things personal wealth related 

The event will explore the industry and careers associated with ultra high net worth and investment management. Topics such as the pastoral side of wealth, strategies for families to ensure that their wealth doesn’t mess up the family structure and children’s lives will all be discussed and we will explore why people use wealth managers and what role these types of careers play in the economy. If you have a question for our panel you will be able to ask it live in the event.

Please complete the form at the bottom of this page to register.

Nicholas Duffy (O91) is an Investment Manager with 21 years experience in the Wealth and Investment Management industry with Societe Generale and Aschourt Rowan. He works closely with his clients to help them think about, devise and implement their financial plans. Assisting in many aspects of his clients' financial and business lives, he brings a solution-based approach to his work with the overarching goals of making his clients lives simpler and built on a solid foundation with a robust plan for the future. He joined LGT Vestra as an Investment Manager, looking after UK and International clients, building multi-asset, multi-currency portfolios to meet their individual needs and goals.

Constantin Dwernicki (C12) After Ampleforth Constantin went to university in Nottingham where he studied Eastern European studies and German. After university, he worked for a year at a French cosmetics company called Sisley. Following this he headed to Spain for his master's at IE University. After his master's in Madrid, he decided to do a second one in finance at ESCP business school in Paris. After this he took up a position with Banque Pictet in Geneva, where Constantin is enjoying being a junior private banker on the Russia, CIS & Eastern Europe market.

Tom Scarborough (H87) spent 10 years working in the diamond industry with De Beers, initially in London learning all about diamonds and then in Africa as part of the company's overseas buying department, based in what was then Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), Angola and Guinea. He then had a career change and moved into the wealth management world where he has worked for the past 20 years, managing investment portfolios for private clients, pensions, trusts and charities.

Insights: Personal Wealth