2nd September, 2017 18:00 - 23:00

St John's 60th Anniversary Reunion

St John's House

Dear Old Boys of St John's,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the St John's 60th Anniversary House Reunion to be held at The Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7PX on Saturday 2nd September 2017 to celebrate 60 years since St John's House was founded.

The invitation is extended to all those who attended St John's House. Invitations and further information will be sent out nearer the time. The evening will begin with Mass at 6.00pm at the Church of our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory  (10 Warwick St, London W1B 5LZ) followed by a drinks reception and three course dinner with wine at 7:00pm. The dress for the evening is black tie.

Please note that spaces are limited for the reunion so please book your place early to avoid disappointment. 

I very much hope you can attend the evening and please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any further details.

Very best wishes,

Philippa Jalland (M13)

Ampleforth Society Coordinator

Ampleforth Abbey & College, York YO62 4EY



Confirmed Attendees:

Paul & Jen Curran (Current Housemaster)

Fr Ambrose (House Chaplain)

Fr Wulstan (Housemaster 2005 - 2010)

David Moses (Housemaster 2010 - 2016)

Sue Fisher

Francis Thompson (J58)

Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux (J67)

David Coggon (J68)

Vincent Thompson (J69)

Stephen Jefferson (J70)

Mark Callow (J71)

Mark Clough (J71)

Fr Terence Richardson (J72)

Robin Coghlan (J72)

John Townsend (J73)

Stefan Radwanski (J73)

John Rochford (J73)

Chris Moore (J75)

Paul Moore (J77)

Chris Braithwaite (J77)

Witek Radwanski (J77)

Maurice Hill (J78)

Jonathan Mather (J78)

Justin Read (J79)

Tom Rochford (J79)

Edward Beale (J79)

Cassian Roberts (J80)

Edward Nowill (J81)

Simon Budgen (J83)

Mark Rochford (J84)

Chris Flynn (J84)

John Doyle (J84)

Damian Mayer (J87)

Colin Elwell (J89)

Adrian Mayer (J89)

James Whittaker (J89)

Benedict Ryan (J90)

Anthony Corbett (J90)

Patrick Boylan (J90)

James Elwell (J91)

William Gordon (J92)

Paul Lane (J92)

Rupert Collier (J93)

Augustus Della-Porta (J93)

Sebastien Marcelin-Rice (J93)

Charles Dalglish (J93)

Nicholas Lemis (J94)

Hugo Nisbett (J95)

Diego Miranda (J95)

William Hobbs (J96)

James Molony (J97)

David Tigg (J97)

Domingo Hormaeche (J97)

Edward Molony (J98)

Tom Road (J98)

Richard MacLure (J99)

John Shields (J99)

George Miller (J99)

John Tigg (J99)

Ziad Felter (J00)

Mathew Gilbert (J01)

John Whittaker (J01)

Laurence Swann (J01)

Orlando Roberts (J01)

Alexis Bouvier (J06)

Mateo Domecq (J06)

Lucas Domecq (J09)

Antonio Grifoni (J09)

James Crowley (J09)




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