1st May, 2019 18:30 - 21:30
M2 7AQ

2019 Ampleforth Society Manchester Hotpot

Manchester Hotpot

We are thrilled to announce that the annual Manchester Hotpot will be taking place on Wednesday the 1st of May 2019 at the Manchester Tennis & Racquet Club. We invite all members of the Ampleforth Society to attend this fantastic evening where they can reunite with other members of the wider Ampleforth family. 

"The Manchester Hotpot has a long tradition of bringing together members of the North West Ampleforth Society. This year at the Manchester Tennis & Racquets Club it would be great to see new faces, particularly university students. Please spread the news!” Old Amplefordian - John Rylands (A73) 

Please note that the dress code for this event is smart casual. 

Tickets are priced at £25 for adults and £15 for students. Please note that the deadline for purchasing tickets is 9:00pm on the 28th of April. 

If you would like to book online please click here. Alternatively, we would ask that cheques are made payable to Ampleforth Abbey Trust and are sent to Bron Bury, Ampleforth Society Coordinator, The Development Office, Ampleforth Abbey & College, York YO62 4EY.

Please get in touch if you have any queries via 01439 766884 or email societymail@ampleforth.org.uk

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11th October, 2019
Ampleforth Society Weekend 2019
19:00 - 16:00
Ampleforth Abbey & College, York YO62 4ER, UK

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